3 Ways CIG Technology Enables the Web Server to Call External Services


3 Ways CIG Technology Enables the Web Server to Call External Services

3 Ways CIG Technology Enables the Web Server to Call External Services: This week, we're going a step further and looking at a more advanced technology that makes it even easier to integrate XML with your website: CIG technology. Utilizing XML Web Services doesn't have to be complicated or confusing — you've just got to know how they fit into the bigger picture of web development.

Blog List:

1. XML web services are a great way to connect your website with external data sources.

2. CIG technology makes it even easier to integrate XML with your website.

3. Call external services using a CIG file and a web server

Conclusion: Web development doesn't have to be complicated. You just need the right tools and technology.

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1. XML web services are a great way to connect your website with external data sources.

XML web services are APIs that allow you to easily integrate external data sources on your website. XML web services are useful for bringing in data from other websites, databases, and applications. For example, if you’re building a website for a car dealership, you might want to integrate data from the car manufacturer’s website. Another example would be if you needed to import or export data from another service like Spreadsheets, or from an application like Google Spreadsheets.

When you scratch the surface of using XML web services, you’ll realize they genuinely enable you to build far more advanced websites. There are some core concepts within the XML protocol that you’ll need to know, and then a series of other technologies which allow you to integrate these snippets of information into your own website.

Meet the Real Deal XML Web Services

A quick understanding of how XML web services work will clear up a great deal of confusion about how they work. Here’s a real example of how they are used in action, including built-in functionality to scrape information from your competitors...

Underlying technology

The technology used to deliver all the functionality provided by the platform at the heart of the XML web service is based on a syntax called 7-Zip. Formally known as the Extensible Markup Language (XML), 7-Zip was developed by engineers from Microsoft as a way of making data easier to compress on the web (hence the name). Using 7-Zip to deliver all the functionality of an XML service is just part of the story, though — there are many more technologies which make it easy to integrate with your website.

Upon this technology relying on 7-Zip technology, you are also granted the opportunity to use a Columbia IL7Zip-based format for delivering the structured data that an Advanced Web Ranking (AWP) service requires. Once relegated to the last stage of the development process for 7-Zip itself, this format creates flexible, algorithmically chosen sets of tags and values which can be linked to from any HTML element.

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2. CIG technology makes it even easier to integrate XML with your website.

With CIG technology, you can easily integrate your XML into your website by copying and pasting a snippet of code into your HTML. There are a few different types of XML to consider, but the CIG technology will work for all of them.It also allows you to switch the language and emphasize elements — this is instantly noticeable and is definitely more user-friendly.

What kind of documents does CIG technology work well with?

XML is used for categorized information, a huge variety of formal written documents, and, of course, web pages themselves. Comparing CIG technology with that of conventional web development is going to be useful, as you can also incorporate CIG technology into your regular site, even if that's a completely different site. Focusing on what CIG technology allows you to do is key — once you get that, you might even find some innovative new applications!

What is CIG technology?

XML Web Services (XWS) is a relatively new technology, and only recently got its own name and logo. In its purest form, XML Web Services is a text/html exchange protocol and can be integrated into nearly any type of website. Similar to how you might use WordPress for your blog, you connect one text/html document to another. XWS is a single file, and can easily integrate into a standard installed CMS platform.

The goal of CIG technology is to simplify the process of transferring this text/html into a more accessible format.

3. Call external services using a CIG file and a web server

You can also use a CIG file to call external services. If you have a web server running on your local machine, you can use a CIG file to call an external service via the web server. Providing a clear outline as to how options work and what it takes to set them up is up to you.. What is an XML web service?

Essentially, an XML web service is a way of providing a structure to information in an accessible way. A great example of an XML web service is the library of code and images on Flickr. Other good examples include:

Yahoo! Site Explorer

Xpath (C#)

Ajax Browser

We'll look at a few basic examples of how these work, along with an overview of how to integrate them with your existing web infrastructure.

An example of an XML web service for Flickr.

Flickr has two sites running on their own web servers: flickr.org and flickr.net (note: these sites both have the same layout, although layout and URLs can vary). How you set up these sites will depend on what needs to be shared between the two. If you want to see an example of an implementation, check out

The built-in structure: folders, categories, tags etc.

Flickr uses folders, sub-folders, user-defined tags/fields and categories to provide information to a variety of internal systems. A simple example is the categories that are used to group photos together on Flickr.

As they're using the folders and tags that are available within the standard Windows folder structures, it makes sense to use folders within those folders to accommodate the usual extensions. A great example of this is with the CSS folder used in the example below, which you can see is set up in this way:

The highlighted folders are the standard extensions that you might expect to see for folders that contain images.

Conclusion: Web development doesn't have to be complicated; you just need the right tools and technology.

Web development doesn't have to be complicated; you just need the right tools and technology. The same is true with blogging. In the beginning, you might feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. But, if you take these tips and advice, you’ll be well on your way to blogging success in no time.

Before we get on with the how, let's take a look at the where.

Goal: Level up your blogging expertise

Many webmasters may not realize it at the moment, but blogging is becoming an essential part of modern day SEO. In fact, a recent Deloitte study found that one in four people are using blogs for informing general musings and offering recommendations. Blogging has also been an effective way of bolstering a brand's credibility, as posts published online tend to receive more trust than those that take place offline.

However, it isn't always as simple as just attributing more authority to a blog with more posts. Yes — it's true that more posts may mean a bigger audience, but PageRank alone isn't enough to make a difference regarding modern-day SEO.

The truth is that modern day SEO really starts as soon as you get a website up and running.

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