The 11 Words You Need to Know To Understand Technology

11 Words You Need to Know To Understand Technology

You Need to Know To Understand Technology:

You may think you know everything there is to know about technology, but there’s probably more to it than you think. There are new words and phrases being invented all the time. Even if the concepts aren’t entirely new, the way they are being used is constantly evolving. Whether you work in the tech industry or not, it pays to have a basic understanding of the different types of technology out there and how they all work together.

This article covers 11 key terms that will give you a solid working knowledge of technology in its many forms. They may seem simple, but as with any other field, knowing even just a few specialized terms will help you understand what your friends, coworkers, and other acquaintances are talking about when they reference tech-related topics.

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1- Cloud Computing

The first thing to cover is cloud computing. You may hear this term a lot, but what does it really mean? Cloud computing refers to using remote servers to store and access data, applications, and other essential digital services. The “cloud” is simply the Internet in its entirety. Cloud computing allows businesses and other organizations to access computing resources that they may not have the funds or space to purchase on-site.

Some of the most popular uses of cloud computing include storing data, running apps, and hosting websites. Cloud computing is an essential part of daily life for most people. For example, if you’ve ever sent an email, you’ve used cloud computing. Your email account is likely hosted on a remote server that you don’t have physical access to. In that sense, it’s being stored in the cloud.

2- Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a service offered by many online storage providers. It allows you to store your files online and access them from any device, anywhere in the world. It’s an extremely convenient way of sharing files with others, too.

For example, if you have a large file that you need to send to someone, you can use cloud storage to send a link to the file. This link can be forwarded to multiple people and they can access and download the file without ever having to be in possession of the original file.

Cloud storage has brought a significant reduction in the amount of paper used in offices and homes, particularly when it comes to filing and record-keeping. Many people prefer to keep all of their important documents online so that they can be easily accessed at any time, from any device.

3- Codec

One of the most important pieces of technology in the radio and television industries is the codec. A codec is a device or computer program that transforms a piece of audio into a digital signal. This is the essential step that we refer to as “digitizing” audio.

Codecs are used in radio and television because they are the best way of compressing audio. Compressing audio allows broadcasters to transmit very large amounts of data through a limited number of channels.

If they were to transmit the audio signal in its original form, they would need far more bandwidth. If you’ve ever watched television or listened to the radio and noticed that the audio sounds almost robotic, that’s because it has been compressed. In the case of radio, the signal is often compressed to mono, which makes it easier to transmit and more efficient.

4- Computer Networking

Computer networking is the practice of linking computers together to share data and resources. Many of the computers and other electronic devices that we use in our daily lives today rely on computer networking to operate correctly.

Devices such as printers, computers, and phones that are used in offices are often linked together on computer networks as are the devices used at home such as computers, routers, and Internet-connected devices such as smart TVs.

Computer networking is also used to share data between people and organizations. This is often referred to as the internet, but the part of the system that links computers together is known as the “network”.

5- Electronic Device Software

Device software is the code that controls how a particular piece of hardware works. For example, it controls how your computer’s operating system behaves. It’s the set of instructions that tell your computer how to read and respond to the mouse and keyboard inputs that you make.

It also includes the code that allows your computer to communicate with other devices, such as printers or scanners. You may hear device software referred to as “firmware”. 

Firmware is a type of device software that is permanent and can’t be erased and re-written like regular device software can. It’s the code that controls how your computer’s internal components, such as the motherboard, hard drive, and CPU, work together.

6- Front-end Developer

Front-end developers work with the “front end” of a website. They create the design and all of the code that controls how the site looks and functions for the visitor. They’re responsible for creating code, such as CSS and JavaScript, that allows the site to look the way it does and be interactive.

A good example of the work that front-end developers do is developing the “logo click” feature on this article. When you click on the logo of this company (in the header or footer), a new browser tab opens, taking you to their website. This is done using JavaScript and other programming languages. Front-end developers also need to keep in mind that the website works well on a variety of browsers and devices.

7- Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things ( IoT) is the idea that a wide range of electronic devices can be connected with one another and with the Internet. IoT devices collect information about their environment and send it to a network, which can be accessed remotely. These devices may include your smart fridge, Amazon Echo, smart thermostat, or security system.

8- Mobile Device Software

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, run on a type of operating system called “mobile device software”. This is the software that powers your phone and allows it to connect with other devices and the Internet. Mobile device software is also known as a “platform”.

There are multiple different operating systems that power smartphones and tablets such as Android, iOS (used on iPhones), and Windows. There are also hybrid systems that use elements of more than one platform.

9- Operating System

An operating system (OS) is the software that manages how hardware, like a computer, printer, or router, communicates with each other. It also manages how software, such as programs and apps, are installed and run on the computer. There are many different types of operating systems in use today.

Some of the most popular are Windows, Android, Mac OS, and Linux. An operating system is like a set of instructions that tells a computer how to function. The OS controls how information is stored on your computer’s hard drive and manages how it’s retrieved. It also controls how the computer connects with other devices, such as your printer, router, or smart TV.

10- Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is an experience that simulates a real-life environment using technology. The idea is that you are completely immersed in the experience of being someplace that you’re not. VR is used in health care, education, and entertainment.

It is particularly popular in gaming, where VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are used to create a fully immersive experience. VR headsets have come a long way from the boxy, awkward-looking contraptions of yesteryear. They are now lightweight, portable, and equipped with high-end technology that makes the experience more realistic than ever.

Virtual reality is a hot topic in technology right now. More and more companies are investing in developing new technology and products that take advantage of VR. There are many potential uses for VR, but it’s still too early to know exactly where it will fit in the future.

11- Voice Recognition Software

Voice recognition software allows computers to understand human language and respond accordingly. This type of software is used in many applications and devices, including virtual assistants and smart home devices. It works by recording a person speaking and then translating that recording into digital text. This is then stored and used to understand what someone is saying when they use the software.


Technology has become so ubiquitous that it’s easy to forget just how much is packed into even the most basic devices. With these 11 key terms in your vocabulary, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest tech news and keep yourself informed of what’s coming next. So what are you waiting for? Get reading and keep up with the technology.

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